Why Comments In Your Blog Should Be "DOFOLLOW"

Many of you probably know about the default Blogger attribute setting for comments and backlinks That sets to "NOFOLLOW". This means that all links left in comments or backlinks in our blog are NOT going to be followed (i.e Crawled) by search engine bots.

This default behaviour will definitely DECREASE the chance of  backlinkers to have a higher page rank in the search result.

Most bloggers aim to put as much as backlinks they can possibly leave in comments to increase the blog traffic. With the attribute sets to "NOFOLLOW", Their "footprints" (left links) in comments or backlinks will get no attention from search engine's crawler bots.

Nofollow is set as your template's default attribute in order to fight spammers in your blog comments. However, This attribute makes the backlink exchange useless because no links will be indexed by the robots.

How major search engines apply the "NOFOLLOW" atribute into their ranking status :


Google generally doesn't follow the link and will not index the no-follow-ed links. This means that Google will never apply a page rank for this kind of link.

Yahoo! bots still follow the nofollowed link but will never count it in their page ranking calculation.


Bing will definitely exclude it from their ranking count.

To set the attribute for your blog comments and backlinks to DOFOLLOW, Please follow these steps :

  • Go to dashboard > Click Template > Edit HTML > Proceed
  • Tick Expand Widget Templates.
  • Use the Ctrl+F function to find this line of codes :
<a href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><data:comment.author/></a>
Simply DELETE the rel='nofollow' code. DOFOLLOW for comments will be automatically enabled after you delete this code.
    • Use the Ctrl+F function again to find this line of codes :
    <a href='data:backlink.url' rel='nofollow'><data:backlink.title/></a>
    DELETE the rel='nofollow' code. DOFOLLOW for backlinks will be automatically enabled after you delete this code.

    If your Ctrl+F function found error in finding the above lines, You can type NOFOLLOW to search the line in your template editor.

    Save your template and that's it.

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